Sunday, September 4, 2011

5 Women Who Rock - er, Run

This weekend has been AWESOME.  Besides the fact that it's Labor Day weekend, and 2 of my best friends are in town, and I've been able to spend some fun, quality time with the husband and child, and I scored a super cute new swimsuit on clearance...oops, I digress.  Mostly this weekend has rocked because of the 4 women I spent Friday evening and Saturday morning with (1 being someone I know pretty well - my sister.)  This weekend I met the other 3 ladies who are fellow Zooma Atlanta ambassadors.  We had a fabulous dinner at La Fonda on Friday night, and a great kickoff meeting yesterday morning at Big Peach in Brookhaven, followed by a fun 3 mile run with others who are also training for the race.  It's always a bit daunting, signing up for something with people you don't know, but honestly I don't think I could've hand picked a better group of women.  These ladies ROCK!  I am so excited to get to know them, learn from them and run with them every Saturday.  We decided that our Saturday morning group runs should be FUN - not that running alone isn't fun - but we're going to pick a different place each time and reward ourselves after with coffee or something yummy.  And, of course, good conversation, probably some commiseration from time to time and definitely lots of laughs.  I love running for the solitude, but I think I'm really gonna love it in the company of other awesome women, too.

Speaking of awesome women, just a side note, I had the pleasure of running my 3 miles yesterday with the lovely local celebrity Jovita Moore from WSB-TV!  She is planning to train with us and her goal is to run the 5K, but I think we'll talk her into doing the half.  : )  Thanks, Kristy, for the pic!

I also bought a new toy yesterday.  I'm beginning to think it's physically impossible to walk into Big Peach and not buy SOMETHING.  I bought the Nike + Sportband, which I'm beside myself excited about.  I've wanted a GPS watch for so long but just can't bring myself to fork out the dough for it, and Kristy, one of my fellow ambassadors, recommended this little number from Nike that tracks your distance, pace, time and calories burned, at a fraction of the price of fancier GPS enabled models.  So, I bought it.  And it's really cute, and functional, and I can't wait to use it.  Oh, and this pic also shows you the new running top I bought (on clearance) and my sweet new Brooks kicks, thanks to Big Peach Marietta.  LOVE those shoes.

This afternoon I sat down while the child was napping and modified my training schedule.  We were all given a training plan (just another perk of this race!) but I needed to change it up a bit to jive with my own schedule, so it'll be doable.  It's pretty intense.  Check it out.  Thank you, Mari, for your help with it!

Yes, this is what I'm committed to for the next 12 weeks.  If you want to see me before Thanksgiving, let's go ahead and pencil in a time now.  No joke.  I'm actually really looking forward to checking off each step in this plan, day by day.  I'm also looking forward to seeing how my body transforms over the next 12 weeks.  Should be interesting (read: good.)

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